Daten werden übertragen...
Our company will be closed for vacation from August 12 - 16, 2024.
In the week before and after we only have limited delivery capacity.

albinkraus offers tooling solutions with best-possible results to his customers. Sawblades, router-bits, cutters, drills for the proper fabricating of wood, Solid-Surface (Corian, Staron, HiMacs, Avonite ...), plastics (acryl, PP ...) and metals. Wide range of standard-tools and (if necessary) modifications in our workshop. Quick, precise and inexpensive production of cutters and router-bits tipped with carbide (HW), diamond (DP,PCD, MD) and HS. Training courses for CNC and the proper fabricating of solid-surface (Corian, Staron, HiMacs, Avonite ..) Competent advice, longtime experience, modern production-machinery and short delivery periods:

albinkraus is your tooling-partner and helps you to 'Create values with fine tools!'

The prices named on our internet-pages are only valid within the  Euro-area and don't include VAT and transport charges.
Due to various import duties, rates and fees, prices  may vary in some countries.

albinkraus ist Ihr Werkzeugpartner, damit auch Sie "Mit gutem Werkzeug Werte schaffen!"